10 Beginner-Friendly Yoga Asanas Improve Your Flexibility | Asana India

surya namaskar poses

Blog post Muskan Sanadi 


The art of yoga has been around for centuries and for good reason. Besides being a great stress-reliever and relaxation technique, it also offers physical benefits, including improved flexibility and overall physical health. If you're just starting your yoga journey or are already an experienced practitioner, incorporating beginner-friendly yoga poses can be an excellent way to enhance your flexibility and build a strong foundation for your practice. In this blog post, we'll delve into ten easy-to-do yoga asanas that are perfect for beginners looking to improve flexibility, alleviate muscle tension, and boost their overall well-being.

10 Different Types of Yoga Asanas

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch)
yogasana poses

What is Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch) ?
  • Bhujangasana is pronounced as Bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh.
  • Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra Stretch, is derived from the Sanskrit word "bhujanga," which means cobra or snake, and "asana," which means pose. This pose is a part of Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations Pose) and Padma Sadhana.
  • If you're looking for a way to tone your abdomen without going to the gym, or if you're feeling exhausted or stressed due to work, Bhujangasana or Cobra Stretch can be the perfect solution. This pose is done by lying on your stomach and gives your back and body a good stretch that can help relieve stress almost immediately.

How to do Bhujangasana (Cobra Strech) ?

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and your soles facing upwards. Rest your forehead on the ground.
  2. Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
  3. Place both hands under your shoulders, with your palms touching the ground and your elbows parallel and close to your torso.
  4. Inhale deeply, and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen off the floor. Keep your navel on the ground.
  5. Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands. Make sure to apply equal pressure on both palms.
  6. As you lift your torso, curve your spine vertebra by vertebra. If possible, straighten your arms by arching your back as much as possible. Tilt your head back and look up.
  7. Hold the pose while breathing evenly for 4-5 breaths.
  8. Exhale and gently bring your abdomen, chest, and head back to the floor. Relax.
  9. Repeat the pose 4-5 times.

Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Strech)

1. Relieves pain in the shoulders and neck by opening them up
2. Tones the abdomen muscles
3. Strengthens the entire back and shoulder muscles
4. Enhances flexibility of the upper and middle back
5. Expands the chest for better breathing
6. Improves blood circulation throughout the body
7. Reduces fatigue and stress levels
8. Helpful for individuals with respiratory issues such as asthma

2. Vajrasana
types of asanas

What is Vajrasana ?
  • Vajrasana derives its name from the Sanskrit word "vajra," meaning diamond-shaped or thunderbolt, and "asana," meaning pose or posture.
  • The pose is pronounced as vahj-RAH-sah-na.
  • Vajrasana, also known as the Adamantine Pose, is a simple yet beneficial yoga pose that can be easily incorporated into your routine.

How to do Vajrasana ?
  1. Begin by sitting with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  2. Fold both legs and sit in a kneeling position, keeping your hips on your heels.
  3. Your toes should be pointing behind you, and your big toes should touch each other at the back.
  4. If you're a beginner, consider using a cushion under your feet for added comfort and to prevent ankle pain.
  5. For those experiencing knee pain, a cushion or blanket can be placed under the knees and above the feet.
  6. Sit comfortably on the pit formed by the parted heels and maintain a straight line from your head, neck, and spine.
  7. Place your palms on your thighs, facing upwards.
  8. Beginners may hold the pose for about 30 seconds, and advanced practitioners may hold it for up to 15 minutes while taking deep breaths.
  9. Exhale and relax.
  10. Straighten your legs to finish the pose.
Benefits of Vajrasana
  1. Improves digestion by enhancing blood circulation in the lower abdomen.
  2. Eases stomach pain and excessive gas.
  3. Strengthens the nerves in the legs and thighs.
  4. Increases flexibility of the knee and ankle joints, preventing rheumatic diseases.
  5. Promotes alignment of the neck and spine, allowing for easy energy flow through the back's energy channels (nadis).
  6. Relieves menstrual pain by relaxing the waist and hips.
  7. Serves as a base posture for practicing pranayamas and a preparatory pose for meditation.
  8. Helps alleviate back pain.

3. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
ashtanga namaskara

What is Tadasana (Mountain Pose) ?
  • The Tadasana yoga posture is also known as the Mountain Pose, where "Tada" means mountain, and "Asana" means pose or posture. It is a foundational standing posture suitable for yoga practitioners of all levels. This posture engages the entire body while promoting a relaxed mind.

How to do Tadasana (Mountain Pose) ?
  1. Begin by standing with your feet hip-distance apart and distribute your weight evenly on both feet.
  2. Inhale and raise your arms straight up towards the ceiling with your palms facing each other. Interlock your fingers, and turn your palms outwards.
  3. Lift your shoulders up towards your ears as you inhale, and as you exhale, roll your shoulders back and down your spine, opening your chest and elongating your spine.
  4. Soften your face and relax all the muscles, including the tongue. Gently close your eyes and maintain a steady gaze.
  5. When you're ready, release the pose by bringing your arms back to your sides and stand in a neutral position.
Benefits of Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  1. Tadasana improves posture, opens up the chest, and lengthens the spine.
  2. This pose gently strengthens the thighs, buttocks, and leg muscles.
  3. Practicing Tadasana can also increase awareness and concentration.
  4. It reduces flat feet and relieves sciatica.
  5. This pose also helps release tension from the face.

4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
yoga asanas with pictures

What is Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) ?
  • The Triangle Pose is also known as Trikonasana and is pronounced as Tree-kone-nah-sah-nah. Unlike other yoga postures, it requires practitioners to keep their eyes open to maintain body balance.
How to do Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) ?
  1. Stand straight with feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 feet).
  2. Turn the right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees.
  3. Align the center of the right heel with the center of the arch of the left foot.
  4. Ensure that the feet are pressing the ground and the weight of the body is equally balanced on both feet.
  5. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend the body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing the left hand to come up in the air while the right hand comes down towards the floor. Keep both arms in a straight line.
  6. Rest the right hand on the shin, ankle, or the floor outside the right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch the left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of the shoulders. Keep the head in a neutral position or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm.
  7. Ascertain that the body is bent sideways and not backward or forward. Pelvis and chest are wide open.
  8. Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath.
  9. As you inhale, come up, bring the arms down to the sides, and straighten the feet.
  10. Repeat the same on the other side.
Benefits of Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) 
  1. Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest
  2. Stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine
  3. Increases mental and physical equilibrium
  4. Helps improve digestion
  5. Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica
5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

What is Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)?
  • The yoga pose known as Dhanurasana is commonly referred to as the Bow pose.
  • The pronunciation of Dhanurasana is Dha-nur-aah-suh-na.
  • The pose has been named after the shape that the body takes during its performance, resembling that of a bow. The term Dhanu means bow and Asana means posture or pose. A well-stretched body helps to keep you flexible with good posture, just as a well-strung bow is an asset to a warrior.
How to do Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)?
  1. Lie down on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and arms resting by the sides of your body.
  2. Fold your knees and hold your ankles with your hands.
  3. As you inhale, lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back, keeping your gaze straight ahead and a smile on your face.
  4. Maintain the pose steadily, while focusing on your breath. Your body should be curved, resembling the shape of a bow.
  5. Take long, deep breaths and avoid overstraining your body. Bend only as much as your body permits.
  6. After 15-20 seconds, exhale and gently bring your chest and legs back to the ground. Release your ankles and relax.
Benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)?
  1. Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
  2. Stimulates the reproductive organs
  3. Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders
  4. Tones the leg and arm muscles
  5. Adds greater flexibility to the back
  6. Alleviates stress and fatigue
  7. Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation
  8. Can be beneficial for people with renal (kidney) disorders
6. Shavasana

What is Shavasana (Corpse Pose) ?
  • Shavasana is pronounced as Shuh-vah-sana.
  • This pose is named after the reclined posture of a deceased body. It is a posture of rest and relaxation, and is usually practiced towards the end of a yoga session - a session that usually begins with activity and ends in relaxation; a space or pause when deep healing can occur.
How to do Shavasana ( Corpse Pose) ?
  1. Lie down on your back with your arms at your sides and your palms facing upwards.
  2. Ensure that your legs are comfortably apart, with your feet falling to the sides.
  3. Close your eyes and relax your entire body, beginning from your toes and gradually moving up to your head.
  4. Take deep, slow breaths through your nostrils and focus on the inhale and exhale of the breath.
  5. Release any tension or stress from your body and mind as you exhale.
  6. Observe any thoughts or sensations in your body without judgment.
  7. Continue to breathe deeply and remain in this pose for 5-10 minutes or longer if desired.
  8. To exit the pose, take a few deep breaths and gradually bring your attention back to your body.
  9. Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes and then stretch your arms above your head for a full-body stretch.
  10. Roll over to one side and use your arms to sit up to a seated position.

Benefits of Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
  1. Shavasana brings a deep state of rest, which can aid in tissue and cell repair and stress relief.
  2. It allows the benefits of the yoga workout to integrate at a deeper level.
  3. Shavasana leaves you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, making it an ideal way to conclude a fast-paced yoga session.
  4. It can help reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia.
  5. This posture is a great way to ground the body and balance the Vata dosha, which is an imbalance of the air element in the body.
7. Sarvangasana

What is Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) ?
  • Sarvangasana, also known as shoulder stand, is a yoga pose where the body is balanced on the shoulders.
  • It is a part of the Padma Sadhana yoga sequence.
  • The name "Sarvangasana" comes from the Sanskrit words "sarv" meaning all, "anga" meaning part of the body, and "asana" meaning posture.
  • This pose is believed to positively affect the functioning of all parts of the body.
  • Sarvangasana is known as the "Queen of asanas" due to its numerous benefits for mental and physical health.
How to do Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) ?
  1. Lie on your back with your hands by your sides.
  2. Lift your legs, buttocks, and back in one movement so that you come up high on your shoulders, and support your back with your hands.
  3. Move your elbows closer together and move your hands up your back towards the shoulder blades, while keeping your legs and spine straight.
  4. Lift your heels higher and bring your big toes straight over your nose, while pointing your toes up. Be careful not to strain your neck, and instead keep it strong with a slight tightening of the neck muscles.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold the posture for 30-60 seconds.
  6. To come out of the posture, lower your knees to your forehead, bring your hands to the floor with palms facing down, and slowly lower your spine to the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Finally, lower your legs to the floor and relax for at least 60 seconds.
  7. Benefits of  Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) 
Benefits of Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) 
  1. Activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, regulating their functions.
  2. Enhances the strength and flexibility of the shoulders and arms, while keeping the spine supple.
  3. Improves blood flow to the brain, which nourishes and revitalizes it.
  4. Increases blood flow to the heart, providing a gentle stretch to the heart muscles.
  5. Alleviates constipation, indigestion, and varicose veins.
8. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
yogasan for gas

What is Padmasana (Lotus Pose) ?
  • Padmasana, also known as the Lotus position, is a seated yoga posture where one's legs are crossed and the feet are placed on opposite thighs. This pose helps to calm the mind and alleviate physical ailments, making it ideal for meditation. The name Padmasana is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Padma', meaning lotus, as the posture resembles a lotus flower. In Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, this posture is also known as the Vajra position. Practicing this posture regularly can aid in the overall development of the practitioner, just like a lotus flower that blossoms over time.
How to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose) ?
  1. Sit on the floor or on a mat, keeping your spine straight and legs extended in front of you.
  2. Bend your right knee and place your foot on your left thigh. Make sure the sole of your foot faces upward and your heel is close to your abdomen.
  3. Repeat the same step with your left leg.
  4. Cross both legs with your feet resting on opposite thighs, and place your hands on your knees in mudra position.
  5. Keep your head straight and your spine erect.
  6. Hold the pose and take gentle, long breaths in and out.
Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Pose) 
  1. Enhances digestion
  2. Lowers muscular tension and regulates blood pressure
  3. Promotes mental relaxation
  4. Assists pregnant women during delivery
  5. Eases menstrual discomfort
9. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
yogasana poses

What is Ustrasana (Camel Pose) ?
  • Ustrasana, also known as Camel Pose, is an intermediate-level yoga posture that involves back-bending. It is known to open the Anahata (Heart Chakra) and can add flexibility and strength to the body. Additionally, it can aid in improving digestion.
  • Pronounced : Oohs-tra-aa-sun-aa
  • Ustra = Camel : Asana = Posture or Pose
How to do Ustrasana (Camel Pose) ?
  1. Kneel on the yoga mat and place your hands on the hips.
  2. Keep your knees in line with the shoulders and the sole of your feet facing the ceiling.
  3. Inhale and draw in your tail-bone towards the pubis as if being pulled from the navel.
  4. Arch your back and slide your palms over your feet till the arms are straight.
  5. Keep your neck in a neutral position and avoid straining or flexing it.
  6. Hold the posture for a few breaths.
  7. Exhale and slowly come back to the initial pose.
  8. Withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips as you straighten up.
Benefits of Ustrasana (Camel Pose) ?
  1. Enhances digestion.
  2. Stretches and expands the anterior part of the body, while also fortifying the back and shoulders.
  3. Eases lower back pain.
  4. Enhances the suppleness of the spine and advances good posture.
  5. Alleviates menstrual discomfort.

10. Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)
asana india

What is Gomukhasana (Cow face Pose) ?

  • Gomukhasana, pronounced as "go-moo-KAHS-anna," is a yoga posture with roots in the Sanskrit language. The name Gomukhasana is derived from the words "go" which means cow, "mukha" which means face, and "asana" which means pose. This seated yoga posture can be practiced along with other seated asanas and is known to stretch the arms, triceps, shoulders, and chest. In addition, practicing Gomukhasana with an upright spine can improve one's posture.

How to do Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)

  1. Sit on a yoga mat with a straight back and extended legs in front of you. Bring your feet together and place your palms next to your hips.
  2. Bend your right leg and place your right foot under your left buttock.
  3. Stack your left knee over your right knee.
  4. Raise your left arm above your head and bend the elbow. At the same time, bring your right arm behind your back and interlock both hands.
  5. Take deep breaths and stay in the pose for as long as you are comfortable.
  6. As you exhale, release your arms.
  7. Uncross your legs and repeat the steps for the other leg.
Benefits of Gomukhasana
  1. Reproductive organs are toned and massaged with regular practice
  2. Stimulates kidneys
  3. Cures sciatica
  4. Cures stiff shoulders
  5. Reduces stress and anxiety
  6. Beneficial for those with bad posture
  7. Elongates spine
  8. Strengthens back muscles
  9. Helps in high blood-pressure
  10. Strengthens muscles of ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest
In conclusion, practicing yoga is an effective way to improve your physical and mental health by enhancing your flexibility, balance, and strength. These 10 beginner-friendly yoga asanas are a great starting point for anyone who wants to incorporate yoga into their daily routine. It is essential to listen to your body, move mindfully, and be patient with yourself as you begin your yoga journey. With consistent practice, you will gradually notice improvements in your flexibility and overall well-being. So, grab your yoga mat, find a quiet place, and start your journey towards a more flexible and healthy body and mind. Remember to always say, "Namaste," to honor the divinity within yourself and others.

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